Saturday, 16 June 2012

Craft Stall

Well i haven't blogged for a few days as i have been busy trying to get ready for a stall at the local college summer fair, I MUST remember to make envelopes as i go along when making a card because i was up till 3am making envelopes lol my back is still very sore, but it will teach me hahaha, I went to to fair and set up my table my very first ever stall i was so nervous it went OK i sold 3 cards and 1 handmade gift bag, so i'm pleased at least i sold something and tried something different as i don't normally go anywhere on my own let alone hold my own stall so i'm very pleased with myself, and i'm looking for new places to hold a table now so fingers crossed i will sell more next time.

I sorted through all the cards i have already made and i'm quite shocked to count that i have 167 cards, and they all now have envelopes and are each bagged up lol xxx 

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